Bands, Butter, and Margerine…

The following article is a great promotional thought copied from The Secret Music Life of Kat, which is an excellent blog with lots of quick thoughts on music promotion. I highly recommend it.
And don’t forget to stop in and get the new Boochie Shepherd album at iTunes!

I have two tubs of “butter-like” substances in my fridge.

One of them is …butter and the other is margarine.

I rarely use the butter even though, I prefer the taste.


Because the margarine is more spreadable. It’s easier to use. I don’t like the taste as well, but in my busy life simplicity trumps quality.

I imagine your music fans are somewhat like me. If you want them to spread the word about your music, you need to be spreadable. You need to make it as easy as possible for them to promote you AND you have to give them something to promote.

Don’t just create a great CD. A great CD alone won’t make people talk about you for long.

  • Create a great CD – definitely a good place to start.
  • Give away a free song (to give them something to talk about and promote).
  • Make graphic badges, logos and buddy icons and make it easy for them to use (post the code, host the images on your server)
  • Have a story to tell. Give them some background on one of your unique songs or a particular experience you’ve had.
  • Offer bios and copy of various lengths so that journalists and bloggers can easily get and use the information they need.
  • Post YouTube videos of your live show. Encourage your audience at each show to video your set and post it to YouTube.

Put yourself in their shoes and try to think of any way you can make it easier for your audience to spread your music.

Be spreadable. Like Margarine. Not Butter.


~ by fatkidrecords on July 24, 2007.

4 Responses to “Bands, Butter, and Margerine…”

  1. Check out my purevolume page. I also have a page at (working on updating this, though)…

    I have some instrumental guitar pieces and some worship songs. I am in the process of recording some more songs in my zero spare time…

    Please help spread the word and give feedback about any of my music…


  2. Hi,
    As a Christian Indie band, we have been blessed by your entries. We are also sponsors through Compassion International, and have been greatly rewarded through our sponsorship.
    Please feel free to check out our WordPress blog at:
    May God continue to richly bless you, your family, and your ministry.

    Miranda – In Him

  3. Hi guys, recording artist, Belinda Jane here…
    I was just reading over your blogs and this one stood out. Why do Christian Artists do what they do? To SPREAD the Word right? Well, in order to SPREAD the Word, you have got to get out and gig. That’s right, nothing sells product like self promotion! Make sure, like the article said, have a GREAT product to sell. Don’t settle for mediocrity!

    Check out my latest blogs at or my website

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